Alswell Farm: A Place to Conserve With Your Help

Alswell Farm field view

A place full of history and scenic beauty… a place for hiking, skiing and snowshoeing …

a place of active farming since 1800… a place that can be conserved with your help!

Alswell Farm is 50 acres located at the edge of Hanover Center village. The property is enjoyed by those who hike, ski and snowshoe in the fields and woods, and who sled on the slopes overlooking Moose Mountain. Landowner Ed Chamberlain wishes to conserve the land so that these special features will be protected forever:

  • Public access to trails and fields for hiking and skiing
  • Pastures and hayfields that have been actively farmed since 1800
  • Wetlands that serve as headwaters for Slade and Monahan Brooks
  • The site of one of Hanover’s earliest residences, important in Hanover history
  • Scenic frontage on Wolfeboro Road, connecting to trail networks north and east

Ed Chamberlain has generously agreed to sell conservation restrictions at a deeply discounted price — now we have the opportunity to conserve this land if we can raise $60,000 before December 31st.

Alswell BarnWe are thrilled to be helping Ed conserve this marvelous property that means so much to the Hanover Center area. Please feel free to contact Peg Merrens to learn more about this project and please make your contribution today!

You can make a secure online gift toward our fundraising goal. Just make a note that the purpose of your contribution is for Alswell Farm.