YES! I want to help protect the Upper Valley’s rural landscapes and wild places.

Donate by Check:

Make an online gift by credit card here.

Print this page, fill out the form below, and mail with your check payable to Upper Valley Land Trust.
Note: Print the form before filling it out.

Enclosed Is My Membership Gift Of
Friend of the Valley
Open Space Advocate
I am a new contributor.
I wish this gift to be anonymous.
My employer will match my gift. I have enclosed a matching gift form.
Name (as you wish it to appear):
Contact Person (for business or organizational members):
Learn about business membership opportunities here.

Return to: Upper Valley Land Trust, 19 Buck Road, Hanover NH 03755
UVLT is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your membership contribution is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Click here to learn about giving Appreciated Stock. It’s easy!

Donor Confidentiality Statement

We do not share, rent or sell donor information. We may recognize donors by name in our print materials to acknowledge your participation in campaigns and express appreciation for the impact of your giving. Our donor transmittal forms provide space for you to share your name and preferences for recognition. If you expressly request anonymity, your gift will be acknowledged as “anonymous.” All other donor information is kept strictly confidential unless you grant permission to UVLT to use specific selected information for purposes of referral, testimonial or example.